descriptionElectronic Tour Guide Bike/Segway Headset
last changeFri, 28 Sep 2018 07:22:40 +0000 (09:22 +0200)

ETG Helmet, Electronic Tour Guide Bike/Segway Headset

This is an experimental version of the Electronic Guide, designed specifically for use with tour groups during bicycle or segway rides.

The device operates by analyzing the user's location, direction, and speed of travel. It automatically compiles a narrative that adjusts in real-time as the style of the ride changes. This ensures that the narrative remains engaging and relevant to the listener's experience.

Moreover, the device facilitates communication between the ride leader and all group members. By creating the network, the devices enable an exchange of audo messages and communication.

The unique algorithm creates a non-linear narrative. By maintaining a common thread that ties all the stories together and ensures that the group remains engaged throughout the journey."

ETG Helmet


The device's enclosure is fully designed using OpenSCAD. This approach allows for the easy modification of basic dimensions and the placement of elements, making it adaptable to meet the requirements of various projects.

ETG Helmet ETG Helmet
ETG Helmet ETG Helmet
ETG Helmet ETG Helmet


ETG Helmet ETG Helmet


Note: All of the following must be done on the Omega2+ module unless otherwise noted. Flashing and setting up SSH access to the device is out of scope of this description. Please refer to the original documentation if necessary.

ssh to Omega and install necessary utils

opkg update
opkg install mc

mcedit /etc/opkg/distfeeds.conf

    # unremark 
        src/gz reboot_base
        src/gz reboot_packages
    opkg update
    opkg install usbutils screen alsa-lib libsndfile alsa-utils madplay openssh-sftp-server libxml2 e2fsprogs socat netcat sox espeak lftp

copy files from SOFTWARE/OMEGA2 in /root/ on Omega

add 'etg' service in init.d

#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common


start() {
    mkdir /tmp/ETGPID/
    cd /root/
    ./ 2>&1 > /dev/null
    echo $! > /tmp/ETGPID/run

stop() {
    for pid in $(ls /tmp/ETGPID/)
        kill $(cat /tmp/ETGPID/$pid)
        echo "killed $pid"

disable default console (probably not required) (community topic)

    # ::askconsole:/bin/ash --login

    maybe in new version
        # ::askconsole:/usr/libexec/

activate it

/etc/init.d/etg enable

set your client-server settings in


add your playback logic in

playFile <your_current_file.mp3>

reboot and enjoy :)


check buttons

./fast-gpio bgread 0xf800d echo

test GPS on device

cat /dev/ttyS1

kill etg service

/etc/init.d/etg stop

stop it alternatively

for pid in $(ls /tmp/ETGPID/); do kill $(cat /tmp/ETGPID/$pid); echo "killed $pid"; done

100% CPU usage isuue, disable wifimanager (community topic)

/etc/init.d/wifimanager stop; /etc/init.d/wifimanager disable; killall wifimanager; rm /etc/rc.d/S79wifimanager

To do

- Optimise sound recording, connect USB SND via DC-DC decoupler, remove filtering
- Upgrade HW to LiFePO battery, remove USB boost converter

Assembled devices and testing

ETG Helmet ETG Helmet
ETG Helmet ETG Helmet

ETG Helmet


Copyright © 2019 Dmitry Shalnov [] []

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this files except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

2018-09-28 Dmitry Shalnoffinitial commit master
5 years ago master
Contact me: dev (at) shalnoff (dot) com
PGP fingerprint: A6B8 3B23 6013 F18A 0C71 198B 83D8 C64D 917A 5717