Try to install freefonts (required by omxplayer)
- apt install freefonts
+ apt install ttf-freefont
By some reason recently *freefonts* package has been removed from official RPi repository. So in case of unsuccess just copy included freefonts to /usr/share/fonts/truetype/...
do it with *sudo*
irdb-get find YOUR_DEVICE
-In case of unsiccess try to find and copy YOUR_DEVICE.conf for your remote controller to */etc/lirc/lircd.conf.d/*
-Here is a [list of devices]( supported by Lirc 'from the box'. However, you always can record your own, see below...
+If you did it, copy YOUR_DEVICE.conf to */etc/lirc/lircd.conf.d/*
+In case of unsiccess try to find and copy here: [List of devices]( supported by Lirc 'from the box'. However, you always can record your own, see below...
Copy template lircd.conf
#! /bin/sh
exec /usr/bin/irsend --device=/var/run/lirc/lircd-tx "$@"
+ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/irsend
Start lircd-tx (with *sudo*)
irrecord -f -d /dev/lirc0 ~/lirc.conf
+## IR remote setup and button assignment
+If everything went fine and your remote reading by Raspbery, you have to choose buttons that you going to use for Babooshka control. Here is a list of current commands:
+- next
+- prev
+- forward +10min
+- backward -10min
+- play/pause toggle
+- pause on switching-off
+- stop
+- audio track switch
+- subtitles switch
+This is how they marked in **
+To assign comands you need to edit "ARR_DOWN", "ARR_UP" and so on in **. Change it for that you see in *irw* stdout when pressing buttons.
+ irw
## Main package installation
cd /home/pi/
Add this line to */etc/rc.local*
- sudo -H -u pi /home/pi/ > /dev/null &
+ sudo -H -u pi /home/pi/BABOOSHKA.TV/ > /dev/null &
reboot and test :)
## Usage
-converting video (note -level 3.0 option! it is required for RPi HW codec)
+converting video. Note *-level 3.0* option! it is required for RPi HW codec. I've been breaking by brain until found that RPi HW codec can't play *low profile* (or maybe it is driver limitation). However [here is]( some technical details, if you interested in.
ffmpeg -i FILEIN -vcodec libx264 -preset slow -level 3.0 -b 700k -s 720x404 FILEOUT
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
+## Donate
+If you would like to contribute to a project, you can always [help with a penny](