2 // Module names are of the form poly_<inkscape-path-id>(). As a result,
3 // you can associate a polygon in this OpenSCAD program with the corresponding
4 // SVG element in the Inkscape document by looking for the XML element with
5 // the attribute id="inkscape-path-id".
7 // fudge value is used to ensure that subtracted solids are a tad taller
8 // in the z dimension than the polygon being subtracted from. This helps
9 // keep the resulting .stl file manifold.
12 module poly_path4467(h)
14 scale([25.4/90, -25.4/90, 1]) union()
16 linear_extrude(height=h)
17 polygon([[-12.122460,-5.113430],[12.122462,-5.113430],[12.872212,-4.948697],[13.483176,-4.498920],[13.894430,-3.830727],[14.045054,-3.010750],[14.045054,0.697120],[13.702858,2.318272],[12.796029,3.732922],[11.504202,4.733749],[10.007012,5.113430],[-10.007009,5.113430],[-11.608425,4.701182],[-12.888673,3.646076],[-13.737600,2.220570],[-14.045053,0.697120],[-14.045053,-3.010750],[-13.894430,-3.830727],[-13.483176,-4.498920],[-12.872211,-4.948697],[-12.122459,-5.113430]]);