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This is my tiny vault of opensource code. 
I plan to upload old works as well as commit new ones and updates as they are ready. 
If you like what I'm sharing, you could always donate me a bit for a beer by using options listed below :)
BTC: bc1qal9f8pjrexznp84mhfdcffy5aphwaz2ry9nj6v
List all projects
Project Description Last Change
433Utils_NP [IM] 433Utils GPIO interrupt-less version (both RPi and nanoPi compatible) 3 years ago
AXOD IR_433MHz Shield [IM] InterplayMedium AXOD Microserver Shield 4 RPi Zero and derivatives 2 years ago
BABOOSHKA.TV BABOOSHKA.TV old-school tv-box video player 3 years ago
CYBERHEART ATtiny10 implementation of a 1-dimensional cellular automaton 2 years ago
Cyberpunk Pendant Mysterious cyberpunk electronic jewelry for boys and girls of all ages 2 weeks ago
ETG_Helmet Electronic Tour Guide Bike/Segway Headset 5 years ago
GeoTiles Map tiles downloading and testing utility 3 years ago
LED tetris [IM] Tetris for AVR microcontrollers and cascading LED matrix based on MAX7219 IC driver 3 years ago
LightSticks Pocket lights for your travel object photography 14 months ago
NEO FreeRunner Bike Holder NEO FreeRunner Bike Holder, OpenSCAD model + STL ready for printing 2 years ago
RGBW Controller [IM] RGB(W) LED Interplay Medium dendrite module (for ESP8266) 7 years ago
Contact me: dev (at) shalnoff (dot) com
PGP fingerprint: A6B8 3B23 6013 F18A 0C71 198B 83D8 C64D 917A 5717